
Hi y’all,

I am so excited to welcome you to my blog, Pretty All Around! I’ve been dreaming of launching my own blog for a few years now. I finally decided life is too short to wait on your dreams and wait on other people, so here I am!

When thinking about my blog name, I wanted it to be fun and represent me and my view on life. Kind of like the Love Actually saying, “Love actually is all around”, I think you can find beauty [pretty] all around – in the smallest parts of life, in fashion, in the world and in people. This website is a place where I will be sharing the pretty things I wear (& want to wear), pretty places I go, and pretty stories I find in this amazing life. My desire is to share with you that there is pretty all around if you look for it – even if sometimes you have to look really hard!

I hope you continue to follow me on my journey to bring style, adventure and optimism to the world!



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