International Women’s Day

Shoes | Earrings | Jeans | Ring

I think International Women’s Day means many different things to different people, and I think as a woman it can mean what you want it to mean. Ultimately, for me, it’s a day to celebrate women being just as capable as men to do whatever they set their mind to, and to show appreciation for all the women in your life who have taught you and shown you your worth and what you’re capable of doing and who you can become. Today, I want to share some thoughts I’ve had over the last year or so.

Technology sales is a predominately male dominated industry. Over the past year, I’ve begun to train myself to “play the game” if you will, but not in a disingenuous way, more of a “if I were a man” thought (hello Taylor Swift). I’ve been a firm believer that you have to think and act the way a man would. This has come to mean that I would ask myself “How would a guy handle this? Would he ask for more? Would he be more confident? Would he just go for it? Would he apply to that job?” The answer was always yes, and I pushed myself. But why do I question myself and my abilities and a man doesn’t? I think there’s a deep societal answer to this question, but honestly I’ve been surrounded by the most support, from my family, friends and close family friends, both male and female. Yet still I have to put myself in a guy’s head to get what I want.

Today I’ve thought about paving the way for future women, my friend’s daughters, maybe my future daughter. I hope one day, women aren’t still asking “What would a man do in this situation?” I hope they are raised to be confident in who they are, what they want, their abilities and will just go for it. Women, everyone for that matter, deserves that confidence and belief in themselves.

Finally, I want to thank the women in my life from my mom, to my aunts, to my second moms, to my best friends, and loose acquaintances that I see on Instagram who are paving their way in the world boldly and confidently. I am truly amazed and impressed and thankful for each of you!

Happy International Women’s Day!

