I’m 28!

Photo: Smith Hardy Photography

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28 thoughts for turning 28. This is really a stream of consciousness of random things I’ve reflected on recently. 🙂

  1. A smile, a hello and/or a thank you can really brighten someones day.
  2. I like control, but every year, I learn that I actually control less than I want to or think I can/do.
  3. Along those lines, it’s okay to not be married, to not have a boyfriend and to not know when the heck I’m going to have those things, if I ever will. A goal of mine is to continue to find contentment in not knowing when or if those things will happen for me!
  4. I’m INCREDIBLY blessed to be healthy and able to do the activities that I want to. I think as you get older you realize the blessing of health more and more!
  5. I’ve seen and traveled to more places in my 28 years than many people have or will in their entire lives. I am so thankful for these opportunities to see the world and experience new cultures and people. If you have the chance to go to a new place, do it.
  6. I’m starting to feel a need to have a greater impact on my community and on other people in a bigger way. I’ve been very self-focused for many years now, but I’m reaching the place where I want to help others more.
  7. Accepting fear and the unknown is important to overcoming those worries. I think about my job and my personal life.
  8. My family is so important to me and I value the time I have with them more and more each year.
  9. I need to dance more.
  10. I’m noticing more wrinkles and changes to my body which is weird.
  11. I am starting to feel a motherly instinct that I haven’t really felt before. I’m actually thinking more and more about having my own family (but also trying not to worry about it as per #2 on this list).
  12. I never want to stop learning or expanding my mind or thoughts.
  13. Being interested in other people is way more interesting than just blabbing on and on.
  14. Sometimes your girlfriends are all you need.
  15. This year, I’d like to say yes, but also know when to say no and stand up for myself.
  16. It’s okay to stay in and binge watch a show.
  17. Prayer really does work. I’m trying to give my worries to God on a daily (a lot of times, multiple times a day) basis.
  18. People are always going to judge you on something no matter what you do, let them.
  19. Don’t let mistakes of the past ruin your present or future. I’ve dwelled on past mistakes I’ve made and it just makes me unhappy, unproductive and a terrible person to be around. Learn from the mistakes and do better next time.
  20. Forgive people. (I am admittedly working on this one).
  21. It’s okay to cry. I’ve cried every day for the past week.
  22. Wish people a happy birthday and celebrate with them if you can!
  23. I need to get rid of a lot of stuff – clothes, shoes and random things I’ve been given. I don’t need everything I have nor do I even use it!
  24. Take all of the vitamins.
  25. Wash your face every night, put on night cream and take care of your skin!
  26. Lipstick & mascara are the most necessary makeup. Put those two on and you can feel 100x better and more presentable! Also wearing foundation and a bunch of makeup every day doesn’t help your skin.
  27. Find people who make you laugh, but also challenge you to be better. Don’t be afraid of a little truth and tough love! 😉
  28. It’s actually kind of cool getting older. I learn so much every day about the world, about people, about God and about myself; and that’s exciting to me! Without the age, I wouldn’t have the wisdom I do now. I am just so thankful to have another day here on Earth!

What are your life thoughts? Do you agree with anything I’ve said? I would love to hear your experiences and thoughts in the comments below. Love you guys and always grateful for you!



1 thought on “I’m 28!”

  1. Very wise insights for such a young lady! Wish we could teach all teen girls these things! I think they would all be happier if they understood what is really important in life. Love you!

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