Big Changes

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Art in Bloom at the North Carolina Museum of Art

Hey friends! This is going to be a more in depth post than I’ve done in a while, so buckle up, buttercup! 🙂

If you’ve been following me for a while or at least since December, you know that I have not been working since then. My former job turned into something I was just not passionate about and, looking more long-term, I didn’t see myself enjoying the next few levels above mine. So with those two factors, it was extremely hard to stay motivated, so I left right before Christmas with no plans for what was next. This was a huge change for me because I worked at the Peter Millar corporate office since I graduated from grad school for almost 6 years! I made very good friends there and in some ways it was like leaving a family, leaving my comfort zone and leaving the post-college adult life that I had known, which was a scary. Uncertainty and the unknown is scary.

Since then, I’ve been relaxing, traveling some, spending time with my family and trying to figure out what’s next on the career front. Although most of this time has been incredible, I’ve had times of extreme anxiety and I was honestly probably close to depression the in January and February (or maybe that’s just because it was cold). I’ve questioned everything from my life’s purpose, my value & worth, what kind of job I want, where I want to take my blog, and if or when I want to start my own business (either really pushing this blog to be something big or opening up my own store). I’ve fallen in the comparison trap, too, which is a really sad and scary place to be. Seeing all of my fellow Wake alums or friends being promoted or starting their own business or just doing really big things has been super discouraging to me when I’m thinking to myself “I have no idea what I want to do next” or “I’m going to have to start at the bottom in this new career path”. I’m a competitive person, so it’s hard for me to be seemingly falling behind or not keeping up with others around my same age.

Dorthea Dix Park in Raleigh

Over this season of questioning and worrying about the unknown and comparing myself to other people, I have had to HEAVILY rely on God and know that I am on MY journey that will take me to wonderful places in His perfect timing. I’ve had to really deal with the fact that my career doesn’t define me, and just because I’m not at a Director level or making six or seven figures, doesn’t mean I’m not worthy or not a smart or amazing person. Trust me, I’m still striving for those things, but I know that if I trust God, He will pave the path for me, and his path is better than the one I try to hack together. I’m trying to take every experience as a learning one and know that one day, I’ll look back and see everything come together for a purpose that’s greater than anything I could have put together with my own plans.

SOOOO… onto the big announcement: I’m starting a new job tomorrow in sales! I’m starting at the bottom because I’ve never really done sales which has been a really humbling decision for me. I’m still nervous and worried about money and just the unknown of am I going to fail or hate this, or am I going to love it and kick booty?! I have no idea. But, again, I’m taking this new role as a learning experience, to push myself and to learn more about myself, and hopefully meet some more awesome people along the way!

Finally for anyone else going through times of uncertainty or you feel lost and confused, know that you can and will get out of the rut. Embrace the uncertainty to explore new things and continue learning. Your time will come and everything will always work out how it should! Trust in that.

Thank you guys for being on this journey of life with me! I always love hearing from you so feel free to DM me or leave a comment below if you have any advice or a different perspective!

Top from Monkee’s of Raleigh | Jeans | Shoes | Bag Here or Here
Chapel Hill, NC


3 thoughts on “Big Changes”

  1. Thank you so much for being so open. (My caps aren’t working so excuse that) You will be amazing at anything that you do. You’re right God has a huge plan for your life. Good luck with your new job! You can do it and keep going in all that you pursue. Surround yourself with your family and friends and know that you are loved.

  2. Wishing you all the best! Good for you for being willing to try something new and it sounds like you have a really great perspective on it!

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